Saturday 16 January 2016


Kwon Ji-yong or better known by his stage name G-Dragon, is a South Korean rapper, songwriter, record producer and fashionista.
He’s also a leader of the kpop group – Big Bang, which had their debut in 2006.
In 2009, he had his solo debut with an album Heartbreaker. It was one of the most successful albums of the year. Coup d’Etat, his second full album, released in 2013, matched the success of his previous work, garnering lots of awards. Basically he’s one of the biggest stars in Korean music industry to whose future many pop culture critics and other artists are looking forward to.
Interesting facts: He has a dog named Ga Ho; He’s also a huge fan of SpongeBob and he’s fascinated by fashion. If he didn’t make a career for himself in music, he’d be a fashion designer. 
 Just like one of his songs, he’s one of a kind.
He’s a very passionate person when it comes to performing and music, and since becoming a solo artist he maintained tight control over it. His lyrics are often related to his personal experiences and show his true self.
His latest album, from 2013 showed that he wasn’t happy with his life. Coup d’Etat is the best example of that.
In the mv below, there’s a scene where a little boy is looking at his own tomb, it turns out to be G-Dragon himself, because this video is essentially about him dying and rising from death as Kwon Ji-yong.
What led him to die? We can see that scene after scene: women who don’t see him for who he really is; fans caring only about seeing him performing; being unable to be with woman he loves; pressure of the glitz and glamour of fame; being unable to be as a whole: Kwon Ji-jong and G-Dragon, which makes him act very bipolar and forces him to hide behind different masks; media’s false image of him.
At one point we see him all in black, his clothes, face, everything is oozing out black. He wants to break free, leave behind depression, bad memories, so he’s ripping off his own skin to get rid of his old self.
Red at the end symbolizes his courage, strength, his Coup d’Etat.

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